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03/15/25 at 22:54:16 

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Seeking some advice (Read 176 times)
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Posts: 31
Seeking some advice
03/13/25 at 20:43:32
Hi everyone. Not sure if this is the proper forum, but seemed as good a place as any given the subject. I am struggling to make a decision, and I am hoping you all may help me find my way through. Apologies for the length…

I have 2 spots on the build list for a UFO25 and a CSP325. While waiting for my name to come up, I took a look at the classifieds to see if I could find something to tide me over. I figured I could sell whatever I find to help fund my future purchases. One of the forum members here was selling his UFO 2.1 with level 2 anniversary mods. I quickly connected, made the purchase, and sent it in for recertification. I have enjoyed it for about a year, and needless to say, the sound is pretty good 😃

Here is the rest of my setup:
Klipsch Heresy IV's
Cambridge MXN10 streamer
Denafrips Pontus 2 DAC
Samsung Blu-ray player as CD transport
Rega P8 with MC (forthcoming… current P3)
Sutherland 20/20 phono stage (forthcoming…current Schitt Mani 2)
My cabling and power cords are a mix of Decware and Audio Quest.
My room is multi-purpose so it is not dedicated with any sound treatments. Not super high end gear by any means, but it's a work in progress.

I heard a pair of Klipsch La Scala's a few months ago, and was completely taken by them. The look, the mid-range, everything. Quite an emotional connection to the music.  I don't have the space or the budget currently, but I want to have a pair of these speakers someday. I have no idea when that will be.

I have read that some people have a hum issue with these speakers paired with the UFO25 at 105db. There was a pretty extensive thread on it here about a year ago. I emailed Steve as I was thinking of possibly changing to the Sarah 300B. He advised a cap at 99db with the Sarah if I didn't want to hear hum, and suggested the SE341.6 as the Sarah was based on it and designed for speakers over 100db.

I haven't heard these amps in person and, unfortunately, a trip for a listening session or Decfest is probably not in the cards. So this is my quandary. I'm not sure what to do. I may add something here and there, but this will be the center of my system. I am viewing this purchase as an end game  so I was primarily looking at one of the Decware signature pieces. It's a long time to wait, and don't anticipate getting back on the list after this purchase. Is it foolish to make a decision now based on speakers I might have in the future?

One option is to keep the order as is and roll the dice on possible issues with La Scalas if I ever get them.
I could also swap the UFO25 and order the SE341.6, and keep the CSP325 placeholder. That would ensure having the right power and amp if I go up the Klipsch Heritage line. Is there a sonic sacrifice there?
Hell, I have even thought about changing my order to a Sarah and a ZROCK3 and go in a new direction speaker wise. Who knows what will happen with time?

Steve has been great and gave me the info I need. Now I just need to make a decision and I am waffling. Any suggestions? am I thinking too much? (Entirely possible)
Thank you in advance
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"I've run every
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Posts: 2348
Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #1 - 03/13/25 at 21:52:38
I’ll give you my opinion(s) with the understanding they are very much FWIW/YMMV. My first thought is you should contact Herbert Kelly, who started the thread below yours. He has a UFO25 and La Scalas and might be very helpful. He also hasn’t been on the site in over a month so no guarantee he would see your message.

For me I love my ‘25s and they are almost inaudible with my 95ish dB speakers. I seriously doubt hum would be an issue with speakers 10 dB more efficient. My totally unscientific impression based on other posts over the years is there seems to be a fairly wide range of hum from the amps, with a small number of people saying it is excessive even after sending it back to Steve to confirm it is within specs. Whether that is due to factors unique to them, like their power or just a setup that is more sensitive is hard to say. If it were me I wouldn’t want to be without my UFO25s and would choose speakers that are optimized for them. If you have your heart set on La Scalas at some point in the indefinite future I would get the UFO25 today and cross the La Scala bridge when you get there.
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Posts: 31
Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #2 - Yesterday at 01:24:21
Appreciate your response, and I did drop a note to Herb. You are right of course, and that is where I am leaning. Go with my initial order and figure it out on the other side. Big money and big purchases for me, and I don't want to feel like I have made a mistake if that makes sense. You ever feel like you just want all the toys?? That's how I feel  ;D
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Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #3 - Yesterday at 05:30:18
I will second CA’s recommendation for the 25’s. Full disclosure, I have not paired Decware amps with any speakers over 100db sensitivity. I have paired many Decware amps with speakers ranging from 95-99 db, including the UFO, SV83 mono blocks, the 25th, and a variety of zkit builds. I also recently became the owner of the Sarah. Aside from the 300b, the hum has ranged from dead silent to barely noticeable. The Sarah with my current 97db speakers is borderline intolerable. During quiet solo instrument tracks the hum is quite apparent between notes. However, the 6p15p/EL84 circuits seem to be a better fit and such good sound quality I don’t think it can be beat, especially if you go for the full anniversary mods. I can’t speak for the Rachel but if Steve recommends it I would trust his judgement - I just can’t imagine you would need the extra power though with 100db+ speakers.
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Posts: 31
Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #4 - Yesterday at 22:20:34
He recommended the Rachel for speakers at 100db and over, and did say that he would cap the Sarah at speakers with 99db if you didn't want any hum. Sounds like you are pushing up against that cap.

My eyes were immediately drawn to the UFO25, and after owning the UFO 2.1, I can only imagine a step up from there plus a preamp which I don't currently use.
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Posts: 438
Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #5 - Today at 01:31:35
I would go for the SE34I.6. The flexibility of many types of output tubes and six watts does it for me if I was in your situation. The SE34I.6 is quieter and will come very close to the SE84UFO25 if you opt for the anniversary mods.

You could opt for the CSP3 instead of CSP325 to save money. One could argue that you do not need the anniversary mods on the SE34I.6 or the CSP325 if you are not running reference level sources. This is a matter of budget and establishing your performance bottleneck.

FWIW – I own the SE84UFO25, the SE84UFO3s, Torii JRv2, CSP3 with anniversary mods. I used to own a white top SE34I and Mini Torii. I miss them both, and I have an internal debate about getting back on the list for one or the other. Again, the flexibility and quietness of the SE34I.6 is the leader today IMO. I do like the small size and tube regulation of the Mini Torii.
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Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #6 - Today at 01:42:38
recent photo because I like seeing pictures. equipment not in use is dusty. I know.

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Posts: 31
Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #7 - Today at 03:06:23
Well that's an interesting take for sure @busterfree, especially considering you have more or less heard the primary amps I am looking at. What is it about the SE341 series that you miss the most? Curious in understanding the difference between that and the UFO25.

I don't know that I will ever have reference level sources beyond what I have now. Maybe a tweak here or there, but I don't know that I want to afford that level of gear.
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Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #8 - Today at 11:45:29
I miss the six watts and the ability to use multiple output tubes. The Torii JrV2 scratches that inch right now. I like the size, simplicity, and beauty of the SE34I.6. From a design and topology standpoint, I think it is the best amp in the line up for me.

I do not need more than six watts. I forget to mention that I owned a ZMA for a while as well.

I, too, want the LaScalas AL5 as my end game speaker. I am a Klipsch Heritage fan. I am the original owner of Klipsch Forte IIs, and I owned and sold the Klipsch Forte IV. I really like the SE84UFO25 and SE84UFO3 for those speakers, but I am concerned about the noise others have experienced with a more efficient speaker. I know the SE34I.6 is quieter and has more power.

Don’t get me wrong. The SE84UFO25 is a great amp. I have mine, and it is not going anywhere. You have a tough choice. There is no wrong answer. I really like Decware and the amps they offer. The only reason I stay away from the Sarah is the cost of the output tubes and potential noise in the design. I have never heard it in person. If I were getting the La Scalas, I would buy the SE34I.6. Thanks
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Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #9 - Today at 12:03:27
FWIW - I think you should buy the best amp you can afford. For the current speakers and average room, I would get the SE84UFO25.

A larger room and/or more efficient speakers, I would get the SE34I.6.

I think the Sarah is worth considering, but I cannot get over the price and availability of the output tubes. I have no direct experience with this amp.
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"I've run every
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Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #10 - Today at 16:39:32
I really like the SE84UFO25 and SE84UFO3 for those speakers, but I am concerned about the noise others have experienced with a more efficient speaker.

I wonder how much noise you hear with your amps and current speakers, and would it be a problem if the speakers were (I’m guessing) 5 dB more sensitive like the La Scalas?
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Posts: 438
Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #11 - Today at 18:53:54
I do not know. I do not own more efficient speakers. I have never experienced noise or hum with any of the Decware amps that I have owned.
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"I've run every
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Posts: 2348
Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #12 - Today at 21:04:18
I don’t really know Klipsch, but aren’t Fortes like 100 dB?
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Posts: 31
Re: Seeking some advice
Reply #13 - Today at 21:55:29
The Forte's and the Heresy's are both rated at 99db.Cornwalls jump to 102db. The Klipsch measurements have been questioned over the years, but that's the posted rating
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