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Posts: 28
Hi everyone. Not sure if this is the proper forum, but seemed as good a place as any given the subject. I am struggling to make a decision, and I am hoping you all may help me find my way through. Apologies for the length…
I have 2 spots on the build list for a UFO25 and a CSP325. While waiting for my name to come up, I took a look at the classifieds to see if I could find something to tide me over. I figured I could sell whatever I find to help fund my future purchases. One of the forum members here was selling his UFO 2.1 with level 2 anniversary mods. I quickly connected, made the purchase, and sent it in for recertification. I have enjoyed it for about a year, and needless to say, the sound is pretty good 😃
Here is the rest of my setup: Klipsch Heresy IV's Cambridge MXN10 streamer Denafrips Pontus 2 DAC Samsung Blu-ray player as CD transport Rega P8 with MC (forthcoming… current P3) Sutherland 20/20 phono stage (forthcoming…current Schitt Mani 2) My cabling and power cords are a mix of Decware and Audio Quest. My room is multi-purpose so it is not dedicated with any sound treatments. Not super high end gear by any means, but it's a work in progress.
I heard a pair of Klipsch La Scala's a few months ago, and was completely taken by them. The look, the mid-range, everything. Quite an emotional connection to the music. I don't have the space or the budget currently, but I want to have a pair of these speakers someday. I have no idea when that will be.
I have read that some people have a hum issue with these speakers paired with the UFO25 at 105db. There was a pretty extensive thread on it here about a year ago. I emailed Steve as I was thinking of possibly changing to the Sarah 300B. He advised a cap at 99db with the Sarah if I didn't want to hear hum, and suggested the SE341.6 as the Sarah was based on it and designed for speakers over 100db.
I haven't heard these amps in person and, unfortunately, a trip for a listening session or Decfest is probably not in the cards. So this is my quandary. I'm not sure what to do. I may add something here and there, but this will be the center of my system. I am viewing this purchase as an end game so I was primarily looking at one of the Decware signature pieces. It's a long time to wait, and don't anticipate getting back on the list after this purchase. Is it foolish to make a decision now based on speakers I might have in the future?
One option is to keep the order as is and roll the dice on possible issues with La Scalas if I ever get them. I could also swap the UFO25 and order the SE341.6, and keep the CSP325 placeholder. That would ensure having the right power and amp if I go up the Klipsch Heritage line. Is there a sonic sacrifice there? Hell, I have even thought about changing my order to a Sarah and a ZROCK3 and go in a new direction speaker wise. Who knows what will happen with time?
Steve has been great and gave me the info I need. Now I just need to make a decision and I am waffling. Any suggestions? am I thinking too much? (Entirely possible) Thank you in advance