They're all 10
inch foams ....
Can you guess
which one might be right for your woofer?
All of the 10 inch surrounds you see in
the picture are a different
stiffness. They are available by the
1000's on the surplus market because they were designed for specialized
woofers that are no longer available.. Many of the places on the
Internet who now offer re-edge kits are buying and selling this surplus. We
have enjoyed a successful business reconing, testing and repairing
speakers for audiophiles since 1991. Because of this we know the
correct type and stiffness of surrounds to put in our kits for most
home audio woofers. If you have trouble repairing your speakers
with one of our kits, you can send them to us and we'll correctly
repair your speakers for you!
Our standard
kits come complete with enough parts to repair two speakers.
This includes:
2 polyether
2 gasket sets,
Our special poly-acrylic adhesives, voice coil shims, glue applicators
and instructions.
Here is a sample of
our 3 most popular standard re-edge kits:
G08F KIT- for home speakers
This is the right kit for
most 8 inch woofers found in home speakers. It works correctly
on over 60 brands. It can be used for both angle or flat attach cones.
G10F KIT - for home speakers
This is the right kit for
most 10 inch woofers with cones that have a flat lip where the
foam surround is attached. These are also the ones you want for woofers
that have the foam glued to the underneath side of the cone. (Like JBL
for example) Ideal for sealed and ported box home speakers. This is the
most popular 10" kit we sell.
G12F KIT- for home speakers
This is the right kit for
most 12 inch woofers with cones that have a flat lip where the
foam surround is attached. These are also the ones you want for woofers
that have the foam glued to the underneath side of the cone. Ideal for
sealed and ported box home speakers. This is the most popular 12" kit
we sell.