First Impressions: May 2009 

Years in hobby:: 50


My search for the lost chord has led me to one of the most gifted audio engineers I have found. I started recording music more than 50 yrs ago when a new technology, mag tape replaced wire...

Fast forward to the point of discovering my Mark Levinson and Krell did not capture the nuances the way Steve's designs are capable of when matched with appropriate speakers...

This brings us to the Mini Torii. In one room I was using a Benchmark DAC 1 into Decware CSP2 preamp driving a Zen Taboo with Hornshoppe horns...(using a tubed impedance matching buffer for ed's sub).

I was firmly convinced that this setup, room, acoustics and sound could not be improved upon. I then tried the Mini Torii in this system. I was floored that I could get better bass and even better synergy when I switched to the Mini Torii!

I could use all the hyperbole that one finds with "audiophiles".....but the bottom line is the Mini Torii makes music alive and's real. Most music has an underlying bass run... the Mini Torii captures it with clarity and timing. It is lightning fast and solid. You can always have detail but to have it with texture and slam is very special. With the right speakers this is one of the best amps I have ever heard, period. It'll show you why music is addictive. The price is a steal and it's a must have.

"it's all about music"





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Copyright © 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
by Steve Deckert