No: SE84C with
EX transformers for high impedance speakers
Octoberl 2009
This one is a hand made master piece! I also have one of these that I
built myself with every upgrade possible and still this one is sweeter
then the one I built !
This amp sounds different with every
change of a tube whether Input or output...for lovers of classical
music (piano,symphony) put In a stock sovtek 5y3 and you'll think your
listen to a naïf nap 250...It gives the amp p.r.a.t with a slight
amount of tube warmness basically every tube you change will result In having a different sounding amp..,
this IS an amp that you will never get bored of!
have 10 other amps that I compared to this one...47 labs Standards 50
watt version, 47 labs hear 20 watts , I 2a3 mono blocks, Pass
Aleph 3, I x Integrated 3 watts a channel, Bottlehead Paramours that I
also built, Almarro 205 heavily modded, Sun Audio 2a3 kit that I also
built....and over all this one little grey box is capable of sounding
the same as all of the above with tube rolling .... besides the tube
rolling ...this amp also responds to I/C, speaker , power cable
changes...oh jump for joy....now you can spend sleepless nights
...tweaking this amp till the morning! And when you do find the combo
that suites your tastes for particular music you can just listen
to the music till the wee hours of the night!