ERR Loudspeakers Review
Doug from Illinois
Extended Range Radial
Loudspeakers by Decware
Shown with custom finish
My choice in coffee is bold and black. I try all
kinds—occasionally. The two I keep on hand to brew are Italian
Roast and Komodo dragon. Switching off or even mixing these two
beans keeps me happy. Yes,this is a review of Decware’s ERR
speakers and no,I don’t collect sports cars or even audio systems.
I do prefer radial speakers. For many years I have enjoyed a
traditional brand—wonderful “hall of famers” driven by an old SS Luxman
amp. Lately, what has caught my serious attention is
Decware. The zbox did such wonders in my system; the next step
was the ERR’s.
Major audio purchases for me happen about every thirty years.
That could be
testament of my being a fool and not an audiophile or it could be the
mark of
luck and satisfaction… you judge. Regardless, this system
will knock your socks
off on all levels—emotion, accuracy, detail, oomph! What the
ERR’s bring to the table is just short of miraculous. The perfect
speaker does not exist. If it did— it would only need two or
three percent more of what an Ohm and an ERR gives. Sorry,
it’s just too difficult to avoid comparison. Also difficult to
establish is a preference! Maybe time will give me a
glimpse. I will not say what the ERR’s lack. Why give
thought to minutia which might be correlated to a cable or a
capacitor? People do that and are smarter (maybe) for it.
The ERR’s excel in realism, engagement, speed, imaging, focus, and a
trueness across the stated frequency response. Their emotion and
midrange are more alive driven by a Decware tube amp. That I know
from direct experience. One thing that is becoming apparent in a
subtle way as I log more hours with these wonderful speakers is the
fact that “they are polite”. There is nothing ugly going on
within the sound as a compromise to what you get. I will not
drive them to extremes, but from the very quiet to the loud, they
exhibit that nice quality. Being very accustomed to the radial
sound, I may be taking something for granted in judging these new
ERR’s. If you are new to the radial experience it will be the
extra bonus! Radial sound is a bit like the first time you
listened to very good headphones. In a room with radial speakers
the mind is trying to make a visual connection to the source of the
sound. In that failed quest one gets caught up in the
spaciousness of the music. The illusion of three dimensions comes
over you because the speakers disappear. (Walls disappear with great
recordings.) These things do not happen because you are trying to
perceive the stereo image or because you happen to get your head into
the sweet spot. A small distinction for sure-- huge
difference! Armed with credentials to judge build quality, the
ERR’s satisfy my critical
eye. Aesthetically they please. (I like to leave the
tops off.) Bob is a true craftsman.
All aspects of my purchase were smooth, well communicated and assured.
My bet is that it will be that way again. Thanks to everyone at
Decware, especially Bob Z.