DECWARE Zen Triode Amplifier
Model SE84B


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There are a number of ways to run the heater wires, and the above is only a suggestion. The green wires from the transformer are the 6.3 volt AC heaters, and should also be twisted to reduce field. In the above example, they are separated at the very end in favor of a symmetrical layout that keeps the heater wires as far away from the input stage parts as possible.


In SE84C and SE84CS revisions, the heater wires are terminated to the terminal strip located on the right side of the rectifier socket (remember these models use 7 terminal strips rather than 1 like the above model.) Then smaller wire is tightly twisted and runs from that terminal strip to one output tube socket, then the other, and finally the input tube.


(C) 1998 by High Fidelity Engineering Co.