Reviewed by: Paul_Bui, Audio
Enthusiast, from Milpitas, CA, USA
Price Paid: $674 at Decware Factory Direct
Product Model Year: 2003
Summary: This report refers to an upgraded ZSLA-1 built with signal
path of pure silver litz, Decware signature grade WIMA coupling caps and a 20
step Alps carbon volume control. The unit is being used between the EVS DAC II
and Decware SV83M monoblocks, driving the Horn Shoppe full range speakers with
the Zero Autoformers and CAT5 speaker cables.
First off, its "sound" is
very similar to that of the passive EVS unit (mentioned below). The ZSLA-1
doesn't add extra warmth or do anything to alleviate your system's glare. What
it does is faithfully bring more information fed from the front-end to the
amplifiers. It does it better than the passive unit by matching the amp/source
impedance using a tube buffer stage and an extremely simple circuitry. It
doesn't beautify the sound IF the beauty doesn't exist in the recording, and I
imagine this could be a tough pill to swallow for many people. My roughly
$2K digital front-ends ( Redbook transport+ 24/96 upsampler DAC) is far from
state-of-the-art gear but reasonably good for the time being, and the ZSLA-1's
telling me that, too. With the active line stage in the system, any change down
to the power cord, or input tubes on either preamp or amp, or speaker cables,
even ICs and digital link, has no where to hide. Admittedly, I was initially
bothered with this new behavior of the system (easily sensitive to any small
change) after "adding" the ZSLA-1 to the audio loop. True, the sound was getting
more robust, warmer, bigger (sometimes huge) image sige, well extended in bottom
and top ends when called for, meanwhile more detailed to the point where even
the noise floor buried in the recordings was also brought to the surface. Mind
you, the 20-step ALPS pot (7 AM to 5 PM positions) is as quiet as the EVS
wherever it is (min. or max. idle position). Only gradually later on, I became
more appreciative of its "chameleon" nature as well as its "magnifier"
To describe how the ZSLA-1 sounds, Steve Deckert the
designer has put it in his Designer Notes, accurately and completely, as you see
in the Strengths section below. I'd only like to add a few personal comments:
The unit shipped and arrived in excellent condition, as Decware's (a few others)
tradition. The latest price is $475 stock (refundable with 6.5% re-stocking
fee), optinally plus $199 for silver litz signal path, WIMA cap, and 20-step
ALPS pot (non-refundable). The upgraded ALPS potis a very good sounding and
invaluable piece - I find my favorite volume levels IN BETWEEN the STEPS, not
necessarily right on the steps. My DAC output voltage is over 4 volts, so I most
often listen to music with the volume pot at the 10:30 AM to 12:30 (max,
rarely). Your mileage may vary.
For under $700, I feel this line stage
is a giant killer, a no-brainer winner. Considering its "weaknesses", highly and
unconditionally recommended!
Strengths: Well balanced ~ 100% Grain Free ~ Holographic Imaging ~
Beautiful Sound! No noise, hum or hiss ZERO negative feedback
Lifetime warranty to original owner Never gets hot - can be left on
indefinitely. Removable power cord which is a critical factor in its good
sounding Excellent detail during low level listening with plenty of bottom
end Excellent non-fatiguing high level playback without the glare Has
the tube in easy reach so that the owner can plug in his choice of 6N1P, 6922 or
6DJ8. It will drive long lengths of cable without problems
Weaknesses: None!
But if I'm forced to be nit-picking:
- Unity gain, so probably won't work with a phono stage - Extremely
simple look, not having the preamp bells & whistles (remote control, various
function knobs, fancy plate, etc.) - Ruthlessly revealing the audio
components up and downstream (including tubes, power cords, speaker cables and
interconnects), so the owner may have to re-evaluate his system's weakest link
and/or find a reasonable balance.
Similar Products Used: - EVS passive stepped attenuator (owned)
- Decware ZTPRE signature preamp (home auditioned) - Bottlehead's
Forelay (home auditioned)
In addition, the ZSLA-1 let me, for the first time, appreciate the REL
subwoofers that have been in my room for over a year. It also forced me,
without mercy, to throw my expensive speaker cables (Analysis Plus, Kimber
Monocle XL) to eBay and adopt the costing-next-to-none CAT5. It is also
whispering into my ears, "If you think your digital gear is THIS GOOD, go get an
SACD player!"
The effect of "adding" the ZSLA-1 to the system is almost
like transforming the 4" Fostex HornShoppe into an 8" Lowther Fidelio that Alex
kindly brought in my room a short while back. The room is now easily filled up
with music that is full range, warm yet detailed, well extended, and incredibly
holographic. I keep asking myself, "How could I live without such a good active
line stage?"
Oh yes, it "sounds" spooky sometimes, and explosive some
other times too.
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