Zen TABOO Review
...first impressions picked
off our forum
Holy crap !!!!! I got the
TABOO about 2:45 today and Norah Jones was in the room with me singing her
heart out!!!! This thing makes my Pioneer 656A sound high end like you wont
believe. tried Lou Rawls through the Jolida JD9 phono stage and "Lady Love" ,
that was my mom's favorite , brought a tear to my eye. Here is the
unbelievable kicker, the SE84CSP hasn't gotten here yet! I am playing a third
rate cd player and a moderate phono stage without a preamp and I am blown away.
The magic of the select is back and then some. I haven't tried "Lucid" yet,
thought I would give one day for breakin before trying it. The Klipsch's are
happy as never before, and the bass is the best I have heard in my home. Will
post again after the 'CSP gets here and some more time is accumulated .
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