My Zen TORII MK II Review:
Having one of the original 10 of these amps (#6), I can definitiely
say I have never heard better. I have said it before, if you have a chance,
listen to this amp. I still find it hard to believe that this is a PP amp, but
hearing is believing. The speed, detail, and soundstaging leave me giddy at
times, and it's still breaking in..... Thanks Steve once again you have
delivered in spades
The TorII MKII is my third Decware product (ZenB upgraded to C, and
ZP 2.0). I have had this amp for about 2.5 weeks now, the first 5 days I
literally could not stay in the room and was seriously thinking I had made a
mistake and would have to take advantage of the 30 day return policy. After the
5th day there was a noticable improvement as the highs smoothed out and the
imaging started to fall into place on a consistentant basis. On day 8 or 9 I
really started to be drawn into what this amp was doing. The speed, attack,
clarity and imaging of this amp are nothing short of jaw dropping. Vocals are
to die for, how can this possibly be a PP Amp? As if this wasn't enough, it
continues to improve on a daily basis. To date the only tube rolling I have
done is to change out the stock 6n1p input tubes to Siemens CCaa's. As it
stands right now, I think this is the only tube rolling I will do ro quite a
while. One thing to note about this amp is that it is utterly rutheless
when it comes to revealing faults in your system... you hear everything, and I
do mean everything. Any equipment changes are readily noticeable, and this amp
is a cable tweakers dream. Bottom line, Steve has really knocked the
ball way out of the park on this one. I believe that he has been very modest in
what he has written about this amp, it is a huge accomplishement for DecWare. I
would suggest that everyone who can go out of there way to hear this product, if
you are like me you will be reaching for your wallet with a huge grin on your
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