I am on my second night with my Decware Black Box and I have to say
that this piece of equipment has already exceeded my expectations. I am running
the stock jacks on the Decware Sony into the Box. I was expecting
basically 3 things from this unit: - smoother presentation - more
weight - better depth What I was not expecting was the huge
increase in detail. I actually don't understand how it is possible to hear so
much more going on in the music and where does it come from?
Obviously the
stressed outputs in cheap players masks the harmonics and coherency in these
players because along with hearing many things I have never heard before in my
cd's I am also noticing an increase in timing accuracy with this unit. I have a
handful of examples where the timing is off and I always thought it was the
recording but it was my source.
It is quite remarkable how the Black
Box mimics that alive sound of the DEC-685 tube stage. It has the same
signature. Any of you who have heard the 685 tube stage know what I am talking
about. It is a very real sounding player. It portrays layers of harmonics with
real tone and the music has its own life to it vs. a recorded hi-fi sound. It is
quite amazing that this Box can take a sterile sound that has gone through cheap
transistors and open it up and give it the same signature and full decay like
the tube stage on the modded 685. I am quite certain that if a person
spend a grand or so on a good solid player and fed it into this box you would be
more than happy with its weight, detail, liquidity and soundstage.
I will
admit that I am looking to upgrade my CDP in the future and have had my eye on
the Cairn Fog v 2.0 for a while but was a bit concerned with its low end and
depth. Feeding a unit like that into my Black Box would most likely satisfy
those qualities lacking in the stand alone CDP.
After having heard the
live harmonic signature this Box can impart on a solid state CDP I would not be
biased against purchasing a solid state CDP now. I now know the Box will add the
harmonic signature I like. A person would probably be best served looking into a
player with maximum PRAT qualities like a good Naim or something like that if
you can find one within your budget. The Box will add that Decware signature of
bloom, soundstage, decay and most importantly, realistic harmonic structure and
subsequent detail. Take care, Corey Dyok,
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