My Imperial SO Review:
I have
made the journey through the "Great Desert" of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona to
pick up my Imperials. Upon my arrival Bob was still putting the finishing
touches on the Imperials so I got in his way and "helped" him finish.
When the first driver had been installed in the Imp. we hooked it up
to the system Bob has in his shop. Bear in mind this system is a solid state
reciever driving a couple of book shelf type speakers which Zygi designed and
built many years ago. In other words decent but nowhere near where his products
are now. The reciever was playing a local FM jazz station. When Bob
made the circuit and the Imperial spoke for the first time a lump the size of my
fist swelled into my throat. I fought not to cry in front of Bob. My dream was
coming true, the sound we heard in Steve's garage at the fest was reproduced. An
enormous sound stage, bottomless bass perfectly integrated with the recording
and effortlessly blended with the existing system. While working, Bob
had his back to the Imperial. A bass line was playing and when a " bass note
from hell " was reproduced Bob jumped with genuine fright. The
Imperials have such a bottom end grunt they are scary. Later a man
selling water filters approached us. He had no audio back ground. He could hear
the music and asked what we were doing. Bob invited him into the shop. He
quickly became mesmerized and we sold him instead of the other way around. He
left with direction to Decware.com and his mouth hanging open. Finally, a big thanks to
Danno for his help in loading the Imperials and diffusers into the truck.
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