DATE: AUG 1998

Hi Steve!

I received the Zen Amp on last Thursday. After connecting it to my speakers I recognized that the AC connector doesn't fit into my wall outlet, so I quickly had to assemble an US to EURO adapter, and now the amp is running well, in fact it sounds just great!

Some things remain to be done on my speakers. As my speakers are full range I will have to solder an impedence correction to prevent the speakers from sounding too bright. But besides this, and after only about 2 listening hours, I can say that the amp reveals details from my favorite music tracks, I never heard before, and I've listened to them a lot.

Switching out the light, and putting Kraftwerk into the CD-player (Geigerzaehler for example) just makes my heart pound.

So far for now Stefan --

Stefan Roettger




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