Sampler No.1
Imagine This!
You've spent years and a ton of money putting together your stereo system... and working on the room and you wonder how good it would actually sound if you had the best source money could buy?
like this perhaps... the worlds most expensive turntable for a cool
$300,000.00 not including tonearms or cartridges or electronics.
believe it or not you can have better sound than the above vinyl rig is
capable of reproducing in your very own listening room!
Master Tape is the holy grail of audio formats. Records are but
compressed copies of master tapes and have groove noise, and tracking
distortions. This is why a semi-pro reel-to-reel tape machine
($1500~$4500) with the heads directly wired to RCA jacks ($150) and a
Tube Playback Amplifier like the DECWARE ZP3 ($1700) can sound superior
to the worlds most expensive vinyl set ups.
sample tape setup
But... a perfect source isn't worth much if you don't have good recordings!
And This:
You get some of the best musicians and some of the best sounding instruments
and set them up a live recording session using only a single pair of
exotic tube ribbon microphones feeding a custom cost no object Western
Electric 437a & 300b based microphone preamp feeding a pair of insanely modified Studer A80 tape machines with all tube transformer coupled silver wired signal paths.

can't imagine any Studer A80 tape machines modified or not that sound
this good. So from the musicians, the instruments, the arrangements, the
microphones, the tube electronics and tape machines it's a truly cost
no object - can't get any better assault on getting the most incredibly
realistic recordings available anywhere.
UltraAnalogue's owner, Ed Pong doesn't make this information easy to find on their site because the music
is the entire focus, the gear being a necessary evil ...evil because of
what it costs in both money but also in time to achieve this level of
UltraAnalogue Sampler No.1
The holy grail of high resolution analog master tapes featuring select recordings from Ultra Analog's tape catalog.
learn about tapes, machines & where to get them

and of course make sure you really hear the tapes by using
Decware Amplifiers!