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Subject: Needle or DAC, resolution and the signal's
intent |
Posted At 03:53:17 01/13/2001
The more I understand about the process of reading the pits
and lands on laminated plastic discs, the more I feel ripped
off by the consumer electronics industry and the Recording industry
in general.
I can visualize myself as the tip of a needle riding in the
groove of a record, like a glass cockpit, in a big comfy chair.
I'm moving in all 6 degrees of freedom, each axis controlled
by a different force. The transfer of energy is direct, inhibited
only be friction and gravity (maybe some dust and cat hair too).
I can visualize myself as a group of light particles, pushed
out of a lens, directed in a perfectly straight line (let's
not get into gravity waves here, I can't afford to start tweaking
the space / time continuum in my living room), I bounce off
of a laminated plastic disc. My mission is to hit a hole or
a plateau, created by a machine, and report back to the lens,
the status of my drop zone. It all happened so fast, I hope
I can remember what it was like down there.
"Sir, I hit a wall, Sir"
What do you mean? You hit a wall, there are pits, and lands,
no walls.
Sir, it was a wall, Sir
I'll have to consult the kernel, get back down there soldier
Kernel, the men are reporting terrain, unlike pits and lands,
what should we do?
"I was afraid of this, assemble the engineers, we need a plan."
Sir, the engineers have provided a strict protocol for situations
such as this. We'll have to call in the lawyers to determine
the nature of the report.
There's no time for that, we have to decide now, what did the
last group of lawyers do in a situation like this?
Sir, they're still debating, Sir.
Let's call it a land, but make sure the others know, we expect
to see a land, coming soon.
The kernel must now report to the high command, marketing board,
and director of energy. The final decision must be placed in
a pipeline veiled in copyright protection, encryption, and the
whims of a recording engineer. Only time will tell.
I find it difficult to understand why the industry, artists
thru listeners, would spend so much time and money trying to
reinvent the transfer of music. Currently, we're trying to finalize
a new protocol for the transfer of changes in terrain on, a
plastic disc, for the playback of music. "state of the art"
is the pursuit of higher resolution in the amount of data, describing
a sound. Not only is there debate and disagreement over the
optimal method of data recording, processing, transfer, and
playback, but the ultimate gatekeeper to the output of the system,
is a group of people that aren't in the least, interested in
the Quality of the product, but who will ultimately profit from
I believe, that utilizing current technology, a sensor, moving
in all 6 degrees of freedom, at the same rate and direction
as the device that cut the groove it rides in, will always be
able to convey a more "realistic" reproduction of a "real" sonic
event. Digital recording and playback simply involves too many
humans, too many "decisions"
I know, that if records were getting the development funds that
digital sources were getting, There would be no debate about
which is better.
So, I've taken it upon myself to educate everyone I can about
what is available, what is possible, and what we can do about
Show me the way.
I think I'll take the big comfy chair.
I realize the importance of MP3, a terrible sounding but very
convenient medium. I like the small, convenient access of the
CD or DVD. But, I would really like to see the recording / playback
industry move toward a more consumer based objective, rather
than a plan to make sure we all pay for every note we hear,
every time we here it, anywhere we hear it, however we hear
I'm just dreaming, it is 2 AM.
Just a thought, Is it a good idea to decouple the motion of
a spinning disc, with information coded in rings or spirals,
from the device that is reading that information? For all of
the inputs that affect the motion of the disc, wouldn't you
want the same forces affecting the reader in the EXACT same
way? Has anyone used that as a consideration in their design?
For example, a steel bar holding both the platter bearing and
arm pivot, isolated from everything else. Or, a laser pickup
directly coupled to the bearing of a spindle AND the changing
shape of a CD??
I should go to sleep. |
Skeptical |
Re: Needle or DAC, resolution and the signal's
intent (Currently 0
Posted At 11:36:49 01/14/2001
A nice little bit of prose, but ultimately... Irrelevant. Where
money is to be made, greed and stupidity will always be the
final arbitrator. However, vinyl, even in it's most perfect
iteration, is still hopelessly flawed, and can be no better.
Digital is as flawed currently, but has not reached it's theoretical
peak. Digital technology has come further in the last ten years,
than analog has since the Edison cylinder. Give it time. |
Bob |
Re: Needle or DAC, resolution and the signal's
intent (Currently 0
Posted At 13:01:13 01/14/2001
The message above is a perfect example of why one should
NOT drink and type, I apologize. If I could take it down,
I would, but now my secret is out and saved to disk for all
(worse than that Bob, now it's an
article on the site -webmaster)
However, I can't help but disagree with you. First, I have
to tell you that I do not own a turntable, or a single record,
yet. Second, I don't know the specifications related to the
groove in a record, or the various sensor options. I will
soon. I design and purchase tools for steel and aluminum fabrications.
I have some experience as a tool & die maker. I don't completely
understand the process of making the die for a record, but
technology has advanced quite a bit since the last time someone
looked at it, I'm sure.
Maybe in it's current iteration, the record and record player
can do no better, but I would disagree that the medium can
advance no further.
Rick Slazenger |
Re: Needle or DAC, resolution and the signal's
intent (Currently 0
Posted At 17:15:21 01/14/2001
I do have a turntable, and I think there is a certain indefinable
something to the good old black disc that digital may never
capture. I also know that vinyl is pretty much dead. There was
a brief resurgence in the mid 90's, but it's over, and I don't
see it going any further. The problem is digital, however good
or bad it may be, will continue to perform at that level until
you get sick of the disc. Vinyl on the other hand, out of the
package and cleaned properly, will give you ONE perfect play,
and then it goes downhill. Friction induced wear is the downfall
of high quality analog playback. And the current issue of Stereo
Review's Sound and Vision has an interview with "Mr. Anti-Digital"
himself, Neil Young, who is now a proponent of DVD-Audio. If
that's not the final death knoll of high end analog, I don't
know what is! BTW, Skeptical- I think you meant "...the final
Skeptical |
Re: Needle or DAC, resolution and the signal's
intent (Currently 0
Posted At 17:32:29 01/14/2001
And you can "arBITEr" me! Just kidding. But you make a good
point, vinyl IS dead. Deader than Elvis. 99.9% of the music
industry (hardware AND software manufacturers) have abandoned
vinyl as a format. In fact, with SACD and DVD Audio, it would
seem they're making moves to abandon the good old CD as well.
However well intentioned your pursuit may be, Bob, unless you
convince Sony to get behind vinyl again, it ain't happenin'!
You'd be just as successful selling a new and better steam engine
to Amtrak instead of the Mag-Lev. |
Bob |
Re: Needle or DAC, resolution and the signal's
intent (Currently 0
Posted At 19:03:53 01/14/2001
O contrair monfriar, pardon my french.
I was part of the movement that KILLED Divx
At one time, there was a website called hometheaterforum.com.
I have no idea what happened to it. It's primary focus was discussion
about the emergence of the DVD medium, who made good equipment
and who didn't, what sounded good, what didn't, and the format
war. In case you missed it, Divx was a pay per view disc that
was the brainchild of lawyers and Circuit City. An attempt to
rip off the world, like Microsoft taught everyone to do, and
companies like Rambus (computer memory) are doing now.
Consumers killed dixv!
Getting back into the research and development of analog playback
will be difficult. MP3 will help us, format wars will help us,
the key to success is having people like you and me teach others
what is good. Not for profit, but for the pure enjoyment of
it all. The fact that your watching this thread means you care!
So, I will do my part by getting an affordable rig and showing
those I work with. I work with engineers who buy and love their
bose speakers and hitachi players and big honkn receivers that
put out 5 gigawatts into 5 channels. Surely they can be swayed
by a simple demonstration, if they have open minds and don't
mind the pain they'll feel when they realize their gear stinks.
My coworkers claim to love music too, but not one of them spends
more than their commute time listening. They watch movies over
and over and over on their DVD players, why no music?
Because IT HURTS! and, no one has shown them an alternative.
The last new song, that I really liked was Put your lights on,
on Santanas supernatural CD. I heard the MP3 monstrosity and
thought the song was worth the price of the disc, the rest is
so-so. I hadn't purchased a CD in years except for a few DCC
Gold remasters of my high school favorites...Metallica on a
gold disc?!?!?
Don't tell me there aren't a few of us out there
The real problem is the music itself.
I can't help but think that the snoop dog / Britainy thing has
to come crashing down sooner or later. If we can convince teenagers
that they are being ripped off by the recording studios, we
can also show them the alternative. We don't have to show the
sony execs. They all own McIntosh tube amps and spinning platters
on air bearings, it's the process of building fake bands and
exploiting teenage angst and lovsickness that needs to change.
As for the current format war, I know so little about each that
I wouldn't say one way one or the other which is better. I will
say that someone needs to start that website up again so we
can get our voice back. Maybe this one can be a start.
I'm hoping this amp I'm building now will replace the tv in
my living room. If I can win my wife over, millions of teenage
girls shouldn't be too hard. The internet could very well be
the salvation of vinyl, but only if all the snobs stop trying
to prove to each other how much cooler they are than everyone
else and start letting people listen to their stuff. Right now,
in the seattle area, I don't know of a single turntable on display,
ready to play. Millions of $$$ in gear in a well to do city,
and all anyone cares about is DTS
I know better, you know better, so let's get to work. Steve
will show us the way
I know I' dreaming....but if the world can love nsync and the
back street boys, the world can love vinyl again.
I'm wondering if the tube experienced any development since
the intro of the transistor. Is there a tube design, that hasn't
been manufactured, that will improve playback further?, more
dreaming |
Skeptical |
Re: Needle or DAC, resolution and the signal's
intent (Currently 0
Posted At 16:11:00 01/15/2001
DIVX? The only encouraging times for DIVX were during the Christmas
season, when the manufacturers underestimated the demand for
DVD players. The only reason they sold, is because you couldn't
get the regular DVD players in some circumstances. For whatever
reason, DIVX failed at the hands of the consumer. But don't
forget, so did vinyl. It doesn't really make any difference
why they don't want it. They just don't. Right, wrong, or indifferent;
that's the way it is. |
Steve |
Re: Needle or DAC, resolution and the signal's
intent (Currently 0
Posted At 21:08:42 01/16/2001
I think that if you first separated high fidelity playback from
“regular playback” you could introduce a CD player that came
in a hefty chassis with a mass suggesting it not be moved. That
right there would eliminate the skipping problem and digital
BS used to correct or mask the skips.
At the same time, high fidelity disks could be glass or high
quality resins that don’t easily scratch or warp. (Regular disks
could be the flimsy crap you have today.) This would eliminate
the digital BS incorporated to mask the scratches.
Those two things right there would probably make a very noticeable
improvement in the current digital technology. But, with a solid
chassis and high quality disk, there is no reason why analog
grooves couldn’t be manufactured into the disk, perhaps cut
by laser, perhaps by micro tip diamonds. Then you could use
a combination of lasers to read the analog information from
the disk.
(twilight zone) Naturally you would want to take advantage of
the prism effects possible from different angles and maybe even
phase grate it into it’s individual frequencies (colors). In
fact wouldn’t it be interesting to have it grated into 7 colors,
each with an optical to electrical transducer and all 7 wired
together. Each color would have it’s own perspective on the
signal ensuring accuracy.
This entire system I should imagine could be constructed and
built without the use of any computers either in the design
or playback. The software (AD’s) could be marketed in the same
packaging as digital CD’s are. The player’s would be pure analog
as were the mastering machines that cut them. The smaller disk
would make it easier to control resonance’s, and laser assemblies
could be made similar to the way they are now, eliminating the
cartridge and tone arm from the equation as well.
Somewhere along the way, the separation between high fidelity
playback and mass consumer playback got partially erased. Did
you know that they can arrange individual molecules on a resin
disk now? The driving force behind the science – getting 10,000
times more information on the same disk. It’s too bad that it
couldn’t have been getting more resolution of information. Quality
seems to be something that ultimately originates with a demand.
A horse shoe must last a certain amount of time because the
farmer’s demanded it.
It wouldn’t surprise me to wake up in the future and find that
playback systems have come paradoxically full circle to sound
exactly like the first Edison drums and the reason being the
sequential lowering of expectations with each generation of
Hope you enjoyed it.
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