A U D I O... P A P E R
2004 by Steve Deckert
Well, it’s
late in the year 2004, exactly 7 years since I retired from the
wretched excesses of testosterone driven audiotweekitisness and
big amplifiers. They were and continue to be congested, confused,
and two dimensional…very tight, anal and uninteresting sounding
amplifiers. Properly done they promise to serve rock
‘n roll and classical music with relative grace, but then either
of these mediums can be recorded with a high degree of refinement.
When we are listening to music where clearly the music is refined
then SET amplifiers are simply where it’s at. Nothing can
create the aural ecstasy of music better. I discovered this
when I built the first Zen Triode amplifier and was so compelled
by it’s sound I reshaped my dream to stop the chaotic state of hi-end
audio discombobularity into a 2 watt reality that still thrives
Even though
I have made attempts to widen it’s appeal by marketing several variations
of this amp (see our product line) I can’t help but humbly admit
getting somewhat lost along the way. You see, I’ve been getting
backed up against the wall of SET power limitations from customers
constant attempts to run these amps on slow power hungry speakers.
I’ve been almost forcibly cast into the distracting and naïve
fantasy that somehow my gifted hands would create a miracle… an
affordable amplifier that sounds like the Zen Triode but with enough
balls to drive even the most stupid of loudspeakers...
Having suffered
from this preoccupation for the past few years I’ve grown very worry
of it. No aliens from other dimensions have presented themselves
to me, nor have they guided my efforts into ground breaking technologies
that I could use to achieve this goal – (unless Gizmo was one).
Oh, believe me, a good push pull amplifier done right can
get close enough to fool some of us some of the time but you can’t
have a full glass of water without first filling it up. To
do a large amp of the quality required takes money. $5.00
power resistors must be replaced with magnetic loading devices (chokes)
at ten times the cost. Inter-stage coupling capacitors that cost
less then $10.00 must be replaced with extremely high quality inter-stage
transformers - again at 10 times the cost. Finally the phase inverters
which can be easily made from a single tube at the cost of about
$10. must be replaced with precision built custom transformers that
would range between 10 and 40 times the cost. In the end you
have an amplifier that cost thousands of dollars in parts and it’s
still in a butt ugly box. How many of you would really like
to pay around $7500.00 to break this power barrier knowing that
in the end the SET is still going to sound better? Wouldn’t
it make more sense to wean yourself away from today’s pitiful and
all to common hi-end loudspeakers and get a less common speaker
of higher efficiency? Besides sounding a hell of a lot better,
it would likely cost you a lot less too.
With more
and more meditation to offset these polluted distractions I have
managed to get re-focused just in time before my exit on the interstate
of hi-fi mediocrity was nearly missed and I built yet another high
power prototype to compete with the Zen. Instead I choose to fully
explore the potential of what I’m already doing and see just how
juicy the ecstasy can get on this side of the SET power wall. This
has caused me to take a long hard look at my existing product line
and separate out the models that can be improved from the ones that
My first focus
was the SE34I (Zen Triode Integrated Amplifier) which I hoped to
be able to improve.
One of the
reoccurring realities that presents itself at my work bench, and
in our customer’s listening rooms is the fact that amplifiers with
a single output tube per channel almost always create more of an
aural matrix of serendipitous delectableness then multi-tube per
channel designs. Multi-tube designs typically have more power
but where SET topologies are considered, even higher power designs
still fall behind the SET power curtain, or phrased another way,
still fall into a low power category, so it really almost defeats
the point somewhat. This phenomenon has been observed when
comparing the SE34I against the SE84C, and the SV83M against the
Little do
they know, the two designs were never meant to sound the same… there
were reasons behind every facet of the SE34I design and they were
easy to substantiate and still are for that matter so improving
it was a risky proposition. But then as with all tenacious
audio gurus it became a challenge, a challenge to surpass
the benchmark of our popular SE84CS. This is a
goal which remains to be confirmed by those who will eventually
own both. I can tell you it is a goal that I would not
have been able to reach, or was not successful in reaching even
at the tail end of several weeks of design and tweaking. It
was going to take more. I could sense the potential of this
rather lofty goal but was struggling to get there. In the
final hours I stopped and cried out to Harvey Rosenberg, who still
lives in the hearts of many, to come down here (in spirit)
and bitch-slap Father Murphy with a Gay Bob doll. He heard
that – and while keeping Murphy at bay for a few hours so I could
concentrate he reminded me of a couple things that triggered another
rather profound discovery.
I explored
a new concept. I found that designing a circuit where the
filter choke (reactor) has exactly the same henries as the output
transformer - together with matching resistance, voltage and
current capacities something magical, but unexplainable happens
to the quality of the aural matrix that at least in my circuits
has to be heard to be believed. Might not sound like a big
deal, but to me it is the biggest epiphany I’ve had in at least
several years. It is also a technology that I can apply to
a few of our other amplifiers and I will. At this point I
have clearly succeeded in my own world at making an amplifier that
sounds better then the benchmark and even if no one ever agrees
with me, I am excited and liberated! Music has never tasted
this good.
Decware is a trademark of High Fidelity Engineering
Co. Copyright © 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 by Steve Deckert