A U D I O... P A P E R
Zen Triode Integrated Amp
2004 by Steve Deckert
SE34I, after a calendar year of development, went into production
in 2001. It has enjoyed a healthy run without any updates.
It has been our second most popular amp since its release,
with only two units returned under the 30 day home trial. Needless
to say, this speaks volumes about its quality and sound.
Frankly when
I committed to the task, there were no guarantees I would be able
to improve it. My first attempt implemented changes I've pondered
for the last year and while some things certainly were improved,
the overall sound was less satisfying than the original. This
is something I anticipated would probably happen, but I remind myself
that nothing ever gets better unless one tries and I intended to
give it my best shot. I continue on and you can read about the details of this
process in my previous paper, titled "Epiphany's"
were some very fundamental changes made to this amplifier. These
were motivated from years of observing how the amp was being used.
As you may or may not know, the original SE34I had the option
of running 2 or 4 output tubes and a variety of switches that gave
the user control over the signature of the amp. When using
all 4 output tubes in it's paralleled configuration the amp gave
a healthy six watts per channel into 8 ohms. However,
in it's series configuration using all 4 tubes the power was reduced
to around 2.5 watts per channel with tons of headroom.
The overwhelmingly
popular configuration for this amp was the series output configuration
running all 4 tubes because it usually sounded better than the
parallel configuration. Many owners also enjoyed running the amp
with only 2 output tubes (1 per channel). This single tube mode
had exactly the same 2.5 watts per channel of output, but offered
a degree of clarity only found in single tube designs.
The irony's
here are: 1) Most people who purchased the SE34I did so to have
more power than our SE84CS amplifier. 2) Almost all of them ran
the amp in it's series or single tube configuration which barely
qualifies as more power.
Of those who
owned both the SE34I and SE84CS, most found the simpler SE84CS to
have better transparency. This comes as no shock because if
you closely review the two designs, the simpler SE84CS should have
better transparency. However, the higher resolution of the
SE84CS comes with a price in that it will reveal the weaknesses
in your source and cables. If you were to plug a $200.00 CD
player into it with cheap interconnects the sound would most likely
become unlistenable.
The original
SE34I design was inspired by my experiences with the old Macs. In
a word, they were forgiving. In fact they often made music
sound better than it really was - given the limitations of the source
components and recordings. I've always thought this to be
an outstanding "real-world" accomplishment. I've
seen so many audiophiles in this business who thought they had good
sources that I can't keep track of them anymore. Of course,
they didn't have good sources, only expensive ones which does not
always guarantee that they were good sounding. I've also seen
heavy trends in audiophiles to spend most of the money on speakers,
amps and cables and have to make compromises on the source components.
The source component is the most important component to
get right. It would be better to hear a $7500.00 CD player
on a $750.00 amp than it would be to hear a 750.00 CD player on
a $7500.00 amp any day.
Being a realist
(and understanding what really happens in the majority of listening
rooms) I wanted to offer an amplifier with that magic ability to
make what comes out of it sound better than what went into
it. Without getting into how difficult that is, I was
successful in achieving a very forgiving nature yet with
enough resolution to captivate the serious audiophile.
This was an
amplifier that was designed through its signature and flexibility
to never come back on 30 day trials. To continue on this theme,
it is also one of the goals of the re-designed model. The
biggest difference between the two being a noticeable step
forward in resolution. When people compare the new version
with the popular SE84CS I want them to either like it better, or
at least have a very difficult time choosing between the two. I
don't want people buying the SE84CS over the SE34I just because
they read on the forums that the SE84CS might sound better.
Since most
people used the SE34I in series mode or single tube mode - both
2.5 watts per channel, I made the new model a single tube per channel
amp at 5 watts a side. This opened up two positions on the
chassis for tube rectifiers. (The original amp used solid
state rectifiers with an elaborate filter to burry the recovery
spike noise of the diodes.) This also opened up two positions
inside the chassis for chokes that when used with tube rectifiers
can transform an amplifier into a new state of consciousness! This
combination is the corner stone behind the term "liquidity"
in an amplifiers signature and performance. Of course these
chokes cost over 10 times what the resistors they replaced had cost
so it better sound better!
During the
testing phases with different chokes I found that they all improved
some facets of the sound, but it wasn't until I tried a custom scramble
wound choke with an air gapped core and open secondary winding that
ALL facets of the sound started to improve. I think most people
would have stopped right there once they listened to the result
- but I wanted to see what would happen if I exactly matched
the design specs of the choke with the output transformer. Having
both with identical cores and windings so the DCR and Henries of
each were the same. The more I thought about it, the more
certain I was that there would be a "balance" between
the power supply (where the music starts) and the output transformer
(where the music ends). I was right, it was easy to hear the
difference. The amp was cleaner, quieter, more relaxed, had
better timbrel accuracy and more depth. Again, the excitement
of this discovery is what motivated the previous paper, "EPIPHANY'S".
To drive the
output tubes a new SRPP circuit was employed using the same 6N1P
dual triodes as before. The difference in this circuit is
that each triode in the 6N1P is stacked together doubling the voltage
swing and eliminating the need for the additional stage used in
the original design. Now that we've eliminated an entire
gain stage we have one less tube to deal with and a signal path
that changes from 4 resistors and two capacitors to 1 resistor
and 1 capacitor!
These changes
also opened up a lot of room under the chassis and allowed for a
more refined layout that eliminated all the hook-up wire that was
previously in the signal path with the exception of the internal
interconnects between the input jacks and 1st gain stage. However,
the lengths of these interconnects were cut in half. Because of
the shorter lengths we were able to upgrade the Beldon cable
previously used with Teflon over Silver wire throughout.
In addition,
the ground buss design was vastly improved and simplified, the electrolytic's
power supply caps were improved in size and quality and the single
coupling capacitor was also upgraded to AURICAPs which proved to
be the perfect sounding cap for this circuit. Since the entire
resistor count in the amplifier went from 26 per channel down to
10, all were upgraded with special attention given to those in the
signal path.
Features that
stayed similar to the original is the cathode bypass switch that
alters the linearity of the output tube bias resulting in more or
less weight in the bass. Giving you a choice between a warm
rich sound, or a dryer "British" signature with tighter
but less overall bass. The amplifier still retains it's
super quiet operation with virtually NO hum on even the most efficient
speakers. It also uses the same power transformers but now
each transformer only has to run 1 output tube instead of 2. Standby
switches are still used, as is the super high quality silver selector
switch wired to 4 pairs of input jacks. A 5th pair of input
jacks is also available wired direct to the input stage with no
selectors or switches - ideal for those wanting to use a preamp.
With the additional
power and new circuit design it was possible to lower the input
sensitivity just a touch so that regardless of what CD you play
on a standard player with 2 volts of output, you simply can't clip
it. The original design would allow you to just start clipping
the amp at about 3/4's on the volume knob on CD's with lots of bass.
Now it requires a full 3.5 volts to start clipping the amp. This
makes it possible for those who don't use a preamp to wind it all
the way up and never hear distortion no matter what they play. It
also makes it possible for people with a preamp to get the amp considerably
louder than without one.
In the end
you have an amplifier that is far simpler to operate and hook up,
not to mention understand. It's amazing liquidity gives it
a signature similar to the original - it still sounds relaxed and
more forgiving than the SE84CS, yet it competes aggressively for
the title of "most refinement and inner detail - best sound
stage and imaging" award. In fact it came out so good,
some of the technology is quickly finding it's way into our other
Here are the
before and after schematics. A classic example of Less is

Schematic of original SE34-I
of new SE34I-2

above, the
new SE34-I.2

Original SE34-I
Decware is a trademark of High Fidelity Engineering
Co. Copyright © 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 by Steve Deckert