DECWARE Zen Triode Amplifier
Model SE84B


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The self bias / self balancing circuit used for the output tubes is simple to install. First connect a 4 inch piece of wire between pin 3 on each of the two output tube sockets. Pin 3 is the cathode of the tube and both are connected together to ensure a locked stereo image even when tubes don't match.

After you've connected both cathodes together, install the 1000 uf electrolytic cap from pin 3 of either tube to ground. Make sure you get the polarity correct on the cap or it will blow up. Also install a 150 ohm 5 watt resistor across the cap. This is the bias resistor. 150 ohms has been determined to be the best sound. Raising the value to as high as 300 can be done for longer tube life, but probably won't sound as good.

Also make sure you have connected the center lug of the input tube socket to the last section of the right hand filter cap where you installed the 10K and 15K resistors in parallel. And on the other side of those resistors (section one of the right hand filter cap) solder the two red leads from the output transformers. This is your B+ and should read around 340V.

Your ground wire should be installed at this point, and should run directly through the grounded center lug of the terminal strip. On the terminal strip is connected one each coupling cap (.1uf green in color). You now need to install from each coupling cap where it terminates into the terminal strip, a 1000 ohm resistor to pin 2 of each output tube socket.

And from the same point on the terminal strip you need to install a 330K resistor to ground, one for each side. (Not shown above)


(C) 1998 by High Fidelity Engineering Co.