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DECWARE Zen Triode Monoblock ~ Model SV83

Recommended matching preamp
Alternate low cost preamp
Recommended Interconnects for these amplifiers
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Page 01 Title
Page 02 Soundstage King
Page 03 SV83 output tube
Page 04 R & D
Page 05 Power vs. Fidelity
Page 06 Unique Design
Page 07 No Circuit Boards
Page 08 Laser Cut Chassis
Page 09 Simplicity
Page 10 Signatures
Page 11 Specifications
Page 12 Ordering Info
Page 13 Drool Towel
Page 14 Amp Stands
Page 15 Speaker Info

Concerned about resonance?

We take resonance control seriously, as we recognize its effect on overall clarity and focus. The chassis of the SV83M are specifically designed to control and eliminate unwanted resonance and vibrations. Stand alone, they do this better than every other amplifier in this price range.

To take it a step further, DECWARE has contracted with SKYLAN to make a custom vico-elastic amp stand especially for these amplifiers. You can also get matching stands of different sizes for your source and other gear directly from SKYLAN.

You can find the Zen Triode Monoblock stands in our secure online catalog for $85.00 ea.

For other stands you can visit SKYLAN's website.

...more info



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